
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

update from rick #7

Written on Saturday, Feb 7:

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, care, concern, calls, visits and meals. I am feeling very thankful and blessed for the outpouring of support that I have been so fortunate to receive.

I have been home for a week; I am getting accustomed to being at home alone. Thankfully, my transition has been very smooth. I am able to do more than I was during the first few weeks. I am able to stoop down and pick things off the floor. I can put on socks and shoes by myself. These were impossible tasks just weeks ago.

Overall, I have been feeling good. This last week, I was able to do a few light loads of laundry and wash some dishes. With the assistance of a couple of friends, this past Tuesday, I was able to go to the Post Office and pick up three weeks worth of mail.

Earlier this week, I was feeling more fatigued and did not maintain my schedule of walking. Now, depending upon the weather, I am back to walking twice a day. I just finished my first physical therapy session outside of the hospital. Since I cannot drive, the therapist came to my home. I was shown several exercises, they are not strenuous and with no impact. I am weaning myself off of my pain medication. I walked to my local Target pharmacy (just over a block away from where I live) and picked up my new medication myself. After taking this new medication, I find myself falling asleep.

A couple of days ago, I slept for about 14 hours. I am able to sleep on my back for longer periods of time. Overall, I am able to sleep for longer intervals of time, so I feel like I am getting more rest than before.

Thank you for your ongoing support. I know that I am in the beginning stages of my recovery process. I could not have made it this far without you.

Continue to pray for my full and complete healing. Pray for wisdom and discernment on what to do and when. Pray for protection and provision. Pray that I able to receive more love, grace, mercy and compassion. Pray for patience, direction and guidance.

Most gratefully,

Monday, February 2, 2009

update from rick #6

Written Saturday, 1/31:
This afternoon, with the help of Jeanie and my friend Alan, I successfully transitioned from Jeanie’s to my own home. Things went pretty smoothly, they did most of the work, loading my things from Jeanie’s place into their vehicles and then unloading my stuff into my house. They even rearranged my furniture to help open things up in my place.

Prior to my surgery, I set up tables upstairs and down and laid out everything that I could think of that I might need in the next several months. This was done to allow me easy access to things, everything was placed at waist high level. Remember, I am not allowed to bend, lift or twist. Well, I can lift up to two pounds.

Since I am doing so well, I have been able to start putting some things away. You can imagine all the stuff that I might need to be laid out to last me a couple of months. Overall, I feel things have gone very well. I still get tired rather quickly. I may have overdone things a bit this afternoon. I got really fatigued while eating dinner. I feel much better now. It might have been due to my not taking an afternoon nap.

I look forward to returning to a “normal” routine while back at home. I will miss not having Jeanie around to help do things and pick up after me. A lot of the things that I drop, someone else has to pick up, things like pills, paper, food.

I know that there are challenges ahead, but I remain optimistic. I feel extremely fortunate to have a great support situation. Years ago, I was counseled to work on creating a support system, and I am glad that I did. Additionally, I am grateful to have a lot of wonderful friends and family that have stepped up and are willing to help. Thank you for being a part of my healing journey.

Blessings, Rick

Friday, January 30, 2009

update from rick #5

Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, care, concern and support. I had a follow up appointment yesterday with my surgeon. Travel to and from his office was better than the week before. Getting in and out of the car was easier. I still need to sit on pillows when riding in a car and sometimes “bumpy” roads cause intermittent pain and discomfort.

My doctor was pleased with what he saw. Swelling at and around my wound has gone down and the bruising is almost gone. This has reduced the amount of pain when sitting, getting in and out of bed, getting in and out of chairs. Due to the side effects of the drug, I requested to come off the pain and nerve medication. My doctor said that I could, so I will begin to wean myself off that medication over the next few days.

On our way home from the doctor’s office, Jeanie dropped me off at my home while she went to visit her mother. While at home, I was able to test things out. Over the course of my one and a half hour visit; I went up and down the stairs five times without any problem. I tested my bed; it seems fine, although lower and softer than the bed at Jeanie’s. I believe everything will be fine when I transition back to my home this weekend. Although, I am sure that some unforeseen issues will arise and will have to be addressed and resolved.

Overall, I believe my preparations, having set out everything that I could think I might need in the next few months (food, water, clothes, towels, toiletries, paper goods, medications, tools, books, DVDs, CDs, batteries) at waist high level, will help ease my transition home. After coming home from the doctor’s office, I was able to take my second shower. It was easier than my first after surgery. I think that I will try to have two of everything I might need in the shower, in case I drop something.

I am enjoying the pleasant but dry weather by walking twice a day outdoors. Yesterday, while visiting Jeanie’s sister-in-law, I was able to navigate a steep incline (driveway) without incident.
I am hopeful that as I transition back home, all will be well. I am blessed to have a great support system. Thank you, to all who have let me know that you are willing to help me. Just knowing that you are there, brings me great relief. Trust me; I will contact you when I need you. I have a list of people, so don’t’ worry if you are not able to help me at that time, there will be other needs in the future.

Thank you for your care and concern. Please pray for a smooth transition back home. Pray for peace, rest and a full and complete recovery. Pray for wisdom, discernment, provision and protection. Continue to pray against illness, infection and complications. Pray for renewed strength and rest for Jeanie.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

update from rick #4

written on 1-26-09:
I have been feeling much better the past couple of days. Thank you so much for your prayers, please know that they are working. They have and continue to be what hold me up. I am feeling better physically, emotionally and spiritually. I feel like I am doing well, much better than a few days ago. My swelling, bruising and pain have diminished. I am still unable to sleep on my back, but I’m sure that will come in time. To make up for the lack of quality sleep, I am taking naps during the day. Yesterday, I took three naps.

I feel like my body, system is beginning to get used to my new meds. Unfortunately, it makes me feel seasick, nauseous, drowsy, dizzy, basically out of it all day. I have reduced the dosage from three to two times a day, which has helped. Overall, I have to admit that my recovery is much better than I had anticipated. Don’t get me wrong, I know this is a long, slow process. I can’t believe that it has only two weeks since my surgery.

From a physical therapy standpoint, once released from the hospital, I was supposed to begin by walking at least 5 minutes a day and adding one minute each day. I just took my second walk outside. So far, I have been doing most of my walking inside. Walking is the best therapy for back surgery.

I hope and pray that I am on my way to a fully and complete recovery. I know that there will continue to be challenges especially as I transition to my own home. Please pray that the Lord will provide wisdom, strength and patience to overcome them. Pray for His continued provision, covering and protection of me during this season. Pray that I remain in good health, no sickness or illness.

written on 1-27-09:
I have a follow-up appointment with my surgeon tomorrow morning. He wants to monitor the progress of my healing. From my perspective, I believe that the swelling at my wound has continued to go down each day and the bruising continues to diminish as well.

While I still cannot sleep on my back, I am able to lie on my back for a short period, this is a big improvement. I continue to get interrupted sleep during the night, I have to wake up and “log roll” from one side to the other every hour or so.

I took my first shower on Sunday. I made good use of my new shower bench and scrubber on a long stick (since I cannot bend, this is most helpful to clean my legs and feet). That was the first shower I had in two weeks.

With the good weather, I have started a new routine of walking outdoors twice a day, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. This morning, I walked for nine minutes. To help prevent fatigue, in the next few days I will begin walking less time but increase my frequency to three times a day. So far, I have been able to maneuver a few stairs and curbs fine. But, I am careful not to over do things, slow is good.

I am feeling better again today. That’s three good days in a row. What a relief. I continue to be optimistic about my healing process. I seem to be getting a little better each day. It is easier for me to roll over in bed, trust me in the beginning this was quite the challenge. It is also easier for me to get in and out of bed; this too was very painful and difficult, most likely due to all the bruising on my buttocks.

I cannot sit for longer than 20 minutes at a time. After that, I have to get up and walk around. I think sitting tends to place a lot of weight and stress on my lower back. I have an egg timer that I set for 15 to 20 minutes to help remind me to get up and walk around.

I must be getting better, because I am getting bored. There is not much to do, but eat and sleep. Maybe due to my meds, I cannot concentrate on things for “long” periods of time. Jeanie and I began watching a video last week, and we still haven’t finished watching it. I really can’t read much either, maybe a page or so at a time.

I am still a bit tired and fatigued. I know that my body is doing the best it can to heal. I know that the healing process is long and slow. I asked my doctor how long it would take for my vertebra at L4 and L5 to fuse, he said six months.

Please continue to pray for my ongoing healing physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pray for protection, covering and provision. Pray for patience, discernment and wisdom. Pray against infection, illness and disease. Pray for peace and comfort.

Thank you for standing with me in my healing journey. I hope and pray that God will bless you more than you have blessed me.


Friday, January 23, 2009

update from rick #3

Here is the latest update on my health, healing and recovery. Yesterday, I had a post op appointment with my surgeon. He removed the dressing for my wound and noticed a lot of swelling and bruising at and around the wound. He was glad that there was no leakage or seepage from the wound. I can get the wound wet in a couple of days. He took me off anti inflammatory medication, gave me stronger pain meds and changed my antibiotic. I think the surgeon is most concerned about possible infection. I am scheduled to get a blood test and he wants to see me again next week to monitor my progress. After that I will see him again in 5 weeks to take an X-ray and see if I can stop having to use my brace. Presently, I have to wear my brace whenever I am out of bed.

Last night, I was able to sleep on my side for over two hours. This is way better than before (half and hour to and hour). Also, while turning from side to side over my wound was not as painful as before. It seems like my swelling and bruising have dissipated a bit since yesterday. It’s not as painful when sitting or trying to get out of bed.

Overall, I feel better than the past few days. However, I am feeling a little queasy; I attribute this to my having to adjust to my new medications. This afternoon, I took a little walk down the street and back. This was my first outside activity. All of my walking has been inside until today.

Know that your prayers make all the difference in the world. They are lifting me up and carrying me during this time. Thank you so very much for your support during this season of my life.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

update from rick #2

On Wednesday, the day after my surgery, I received several pleasant surprises, first a morning call, a visit, a very beautiful flower arrangement, another visitor who brought a great flower arrangement he made himself. Both arrangements are still going strong. It must be a God thing, He knows I love flowers. They helped me to know that I am loved and kept my spirits up. My room was filled with intoxicating floral scents, along with bright and vibrant colors.

I received my first solid food that morning for breakfast, although I had to eat while lying down. At that time, I was restricted to “sitting” in bed at no more than a 30 degree angle. Trust me when I say it is a challenge to eat while lying down. After breakfast, I met Roy, a physical therapist; he measured me for my brace, a rigid contraption that I have to wear whenever I am out of bed for the next month and a half. After being fitted with my brace, I was instructed the keys to my physical recovery, BLT, no Bending, no Lifting and no Twisting. I was taught how to get in and out of bed, how to put on my brace, how to stand up, how to sit down and get up out of a chair. I then went for my first walk.

I felt a little disoriented for a number of reasons. First, this was the first time I was able to sit up after surgery in over 24 hours. Second, my roommate kept me up the entire night before with an extremely irregular breathing pattern, nurses came in throughout the night asking him if he was alright, they felt sorry for me and told me to ask for another room the next day; I got maybe two hours of intermittent sleep. Third, I tried to put my contacts in while lying down, but was only able to get my left contact in.

Due to my disorientation, we tried my initial trip down the hall with a walker. It was a slow and cautious journey; I made it down the hall and back. After lunch, another meal eaten while lying down, I took my second walk. While standing up, I was able to get my right contact in. Using precaution, my physical therapist wanted me to use the walker again, so off we went. This time, I was able to navigate two laps around the tower, a first according to my physical therapist. Jeanie and my mom were amazed that I was able to walk so soon and do so without pain. I consider my overall success due to all the prayers that you have made on my behalf. Thank you so very much for all of your care, support, encouragement, and blessing.

Unfortunately, that evening my stomach began to give me problems; I wasn’t sure if it was due to all the exercise, a reaction to all the medication, eating while lying down, or lack of sleep. All I knew was that I didn’t feel well. I wasn’t able to eat anything for dinner. End of day two.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for my continued healing. Each day since returning “home” from the hospital I have experienced extreme episodes of sharp shooting pain. My wound continues to be very tender. I am still unable to sleep while lying on my back. Pray that I will heal without infection. Pray that my pain will subside over time. I have significant bruising on my back just above my wound, and new bruising on my buttocks. This evening has been tough, a lot more pain, maybe a bit of a set back. All things considered, I can’t believe that it has been less than a week since my surgery.

Pray for my full and complete healing. Continue to pray for Jeanie, my primary care giver. Pray for strength and rest for both of us.


Note: Just got another email that Rick has been experiencing increased pain, bruising, difficulty sleeping today. Please pray for relief from the pain and for rest. He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow and we pray for answers to why he is bruising and what he can do to alleviate some of the pain.

Monday, January 19, 2009

latest update from rick on his surgery

I’m back! I’m back in a number of ways. I’m back on line, kind of (dial-up at Jeanie’s), not complaining just different. I’m back at home, kind of, I’m actually at Jeanie’s, which is way more at home than at the hospital. I’m back physically, kind of, while not 100 percent, I am on my way back physically. I hope and pray for a fully, complete and speedy recovery.

Thank you so very much for your prayers, support, care and concern. I am where I am because of you and your prayers.

A brief recap of the events of last week, as best as I can recall: 9:30 am, Tuesday, January 13, Jeanie and I arrive at the hospital to check into pre-op. Later, I am joined in pre-op by my mom and a close friend Gerald. I wait there until about 1:00 pm, the anesthesiologist comes in with a “cocktail,” she says, “I have a margarita here for you.” She injects the “margarita” into my IV line, I am able joke, asking for a round for the house, and then I am out.

Next, about 4:30 or 5:00 pm, I wake up in recovery. I am amazed that I am not groggy or nauseous; I am amazed that I feel so alert and aware. My attending nurse asks me to try and cough and take deep breaths. She says that I should be in my room within a half hour. I ask when I can eat. I ask for Zankou Chicken, she thinks I’m crazy and responds by telling me that I won’t be eating anything for a while.

Later, I am rolled to my room. After getting to my room, I lay there wondering where “everybody” is, where is Jeanie, my mom and my friend Gerald? I try to call them, but realize I only know my cell number and my mom’s home telephone numbers. I try both, no one answers my cell and my mom’s home phone is busying. So, I wait about 15 minutes and then they arrive.

While waiting, I am parched. I ask the nurse for something to drink, they bring be a couple of little apple juices. I down them in no time. I ask for more. My thirst seemingly can not be quenched. Before the night is over, I drink at least 10 apple juices, 4 or 5 pitchers of water, a couple of lemon lime sodas and other various juices. I ask for something to eat, I am brought a liquid dinner, more juice, soda and broth. I devour everything.

Jeanie, my mom and my friend are all amazed that I am so alert, talkative and upbeat; hospital drugs are good, the Lord is even better. They and I expected me to be out of it, drowsy, incoherent. My pleasant experience is due to your prayers and support. Thank you so very much. I am a witness and testimony that prayer work. All through the process I felt covered in prayer, enveloped in His arms. I felt great peace and comfort, never anxious or worried.

Later that first evening, Jeanie’s friends Dan and Lillian come to visit, before leaving they pray for me. I know that my mom, Gerald, Dan and Lillian represent only a very small part of the support system that both Jeanie and I are blessed with.

There is so much to share and recount. I will end here with the events of the first day and continue again another time.

For the most part, I am doing very well. My experience is not without its ups and downs. Again more detail at another day and time. Presently, I am unable to sleep while lying on my back. My wound is extremely sore and tender. Getting in and out of bed is a challenge. For the most part my pain is being held at bay by my pain medication. I have had a few episodes of extreme and excruciating pain. I hope and pray that my pain will subside over time.

Please continue to pray for my recover process. Know that your prayers have and continue to make all the difference in the world. Pray that my wound will heal fully and without infection. Pray that I am able to sleep on my back. Pray for Jeanie, my primary caretaker. All of this has taken a toll on her. She is wearier than I am. Pray for the Lord to sustain and strengthen her.

Thank so very much for your prayers, visits, calls, flowers, cards, gifts, cookies, meals, care, concern, support, sacrifice and generosity. I feel very fortunate, blessed and loved.

Extremely gratefully,

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